Invitados Internacionales

Dr. Dan L. Waitzberg - Brasil

Surgeon - Associate Professor of the Gastroenterology Department at Sao Paulo
University Medical School (FMUSP) - Coordinator of the Metabology and Nutrition
in Digestive Surgery Laboratory (Metanutri) at FMUSP - Coordinator of the
Nutrology Commission at the Hospital Complex of Hospital das Clinicas at FMUSP -
Associate Professor, Doctor and Master in Surgery by FMUSP - Clinical Coordinator
of the Multiprofessional Nutritional Therapy Teams at Central Institute of Sao Paulo
Hospital das Clinicas, ICESP and Santa Catarina Hospital - Director-President of Ganep
Human Nutrition - Scientific Director of Bioma4me.

Dr. Carla Prado - Canadá

She is a Professor at the University of Alberta, and the Director of the Human Nutrition Research Unit, one of the top research and training facilities for body composition and energy metabolism assessments worldwide. 
Dr. Prado is an expert in assessing nutritional status through the precise measurement of body composition and energy metabolism. She is an Associate Editor of three top journals in her field and a member of several international guideline groups. Dr. Prado is a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, and a member of the Royal Society of Canada College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists. She has also been recently acknowledged in the list of Most Powerful Women in Canada: Top 100.

Nut. Luis Cabañas Alite - España

Dietista-Nutricionista especialista en el abordaje del paciente oncohematológico. 
Máster en Nutrición Personalizada y Comunitaria y 
Máster en Salud Pública y Gestión Sanitaria. 
Doctor por la Universitat de València. 
Experto Universitario en Nutrición Clínica en Oncología. 
Profesor de las asignaturas Nutrición Comunitaria y Nutrición Oncológica en las Universidades Miguel de Cervantes y Europea de Valencia. 
Presidente del Colegio Oficial de Dietistas-Nutricionistas de la Comunitat Valenciana. 
Puedes escucharle en el Podcast Ibilbidea, una red de seguridad para emprendedoras en nutrición y movimientos asociativos.

Dra. Eloisa García Velasquez - Ecuador

Medica Especialista en Nutricion de la UCA
Fellow de Soporte Nutricional de Cuidados Críticos del Hospital Italiano
Fellow de Nutricion Clínica de la Universidad de Duke
Diabetologa de la UCA 
Jefa de la Unidad de Nutricion y Soporte Nutricional Del Grupo Hospitalario Kennedy 
Ex Secretaria de FELANPE
Directora del Diplomado de Soporte Nutricional de la Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil
Secretaria del Comité de Ética de Investigación en Seres Humanos CEISH del Grupo Hospitalario Kennedy 

Alessandro Laviano, MD

He is associate professor of Internal Medicine at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, and chief, Clinical Nutrition Unit at Sant’Andrea University Hospital. Dr. Laviano is the Director of the ESPEN LLL programme, Coordinator of the Supervisory Board of the nutritionDay project, and Coordinator of the ESPEN Cancer Task Force. Also, dr. Laviano is currently: Editor in Chief of Nutrition; and Associate Editor of Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle.


Contacto de comercialización: Lic. Fernando Béduchaud
Teléfono: +54911 4075 4539